Welcome to Boi and friends! Our Newgrounds account is dedicated almost entirely to stickmen, and a story revolving around them. Aspiring voice actor. We also draw certain fandoms, Newgrounds characters and more!
Joined on 7/29/21
Posted by BoiandFriends - May 14th, 2024
As alot of you know, Boi and friends, in early 2021-2023, had LOTS of new content being pumped out within a monthly span, ranging from silly art pieces, to comics, etc.
As of late 2023-2024 I've slowed down a lot, keep pushing dates back that originally would be easily met.
Long of it is: I started Boi and friends from characters I created in middle school, I loved these characters and wanted a larger audience to see what ideas i had cooking, so around high school and finally gaining some balls, I started a Newgrounds pages and stopped fearing criticism for my art and stickmen. And it was a ton of fun! But as the years pass, clearly drawing is not my over-all ambition. I soon figured out I wanted to be a voice actor, and since then, have been slowly preparing myself as I graduate to get into that field almost full time.
I share pieces of my journey and improvement on Newgrounds, as it feels like home still. I have been working off Newgrounds, being involved in a few mini projects, some FNAF VHS videos, and some admittedly shitty "Fortnite" roleplay videos. Anything in the name of practice and getting out there, right? Well as high school ends for me, and adult life comes, I'm gaining the opportunity to finally pursue it damn near full time. I'm setting up a small studio in a closet to have a decent way of recording crisp audio so I can get into both larger and paid projects. Which has left me very little time to just sit down and draw some stupid story I've been thinking of since middle school.
lets TLDR this: Boi and friends isint going anywhere, in my free time, please expect more comics, and a TON more voice acting videos (and my shitty art to go with).
I felt to the 30 people that are fans of the page and following it, you deserve some clarifications, and some in-sight.
to the rest of Newgrounds? It's a growing up story. And I hope my ambitions go far, I hope my voice is heard, and I hope whatever voice acting endeavors I go on to accomplish change people in positive ways, I've met a few many who've shaped my journey, good friends who've impacted my voice acting "career" in ways I could've never imagined.
Thank you to any and all who have even seen my page or my content, Newgrounds is a wonderful place, I'd been visiting it forever, loving its content, and I'm glad I myself can call it a home to my creations as so many others do.
Please do check out some of my notable playlists! Featuring things I've voiced myself, voiced in, drawn, etc. Any support is wonderful :)
Posted by BoiandFriends - May 13th, 2024
Madness Project Nexus Hank fan made Voicelines
Haven't uploaded any voice acting clips in a bit! Think im gettin better :D
Posted by BoiandFriends - March 23rd, 2024
Boi and friends in: The Multiverse of Stuff Part 4 (The END)
the final part to Multiverse of Stuff! Check it!
Posted by BoiandFriends - February 12th, 2024
Hey all, scott here
Just kidding, but in all seriousness, i've had an incredible lack of motivation to continue boi and friends as of recent. Life comes at ya hard and fast and i havent been able to keep up. Boi and friends is NOT over, far from it. The guys just need some R&R and so do I. Hopefully you all understand, and ill see you soon!